Also, backstory can greatly affect the character's physicality. For example, a character who had a difficult childhood (maybe he/she was overshadowed by a brother or sister) might have developed a more aggressive demeanor which could be conveyed by the way the character walks - maybe he/she has a heavy-footed stride.
I started filling out the character sheet first before I really found out who the character was:
I decided to make a character called Lionel Clegg. This is a character who has a strong social conscious with particularly strong views on environmentalism. I can see Lionel in child friendly cartoon like 'Hey Arnold'.
I also started experimenting with facial expressions:
These are just a few basic drawings experimenting with different mouth shapes and eyebrows.
Film review: 'Lifted'
I enjoy most of Pixar's animations.The strength of Lifted is it's simple premise: An alien is taking an test on abducting humans. Somthing that Pixar does really well is setting up the premise of an idea very efficiently using just a few key visuals.
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